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Helix Jewelry FAQs
While helix piercings are traditionally decorated with small cartilage hoop earrings, such as huggie earrings, style for your anatomy. Flat back and barbell earringslook really nice if the curve of your outer ear cartilage doesn’t hide the piercing.
Change is good (as long as your piercing is healed)! A helix earring is easily changed-- just make sure your piercing is fully healed before trying to switch out the earring.
If you are using a flat back stud, simply twist or pull the top to remove the backing of the earring. If you are using a hoop, open it by pulling apart the two ends. And voilà! A whole new look in less than a minute!
When it comes to choosing jewelry, size matters!
Like most cartilage piercings, the helix is usually pierced with 16 gauge needles which are 1.2mm thick. Small hoops are a popular choice for this location.
Huggie hoops with 6-9mm diameter hoops and 8mm flat back stud posts usually fit most helix piercings, but the perfect size will always depend on the curvature of your ear and where the piercing was placed.
Choosing the inner diameter for your hoops and studs can be overwhelming, but we’ve made it easy for you to measure your piercing at home. Gather these three things: a small strip of paper, a marker, and a ruler.
Place the edge of the paper at the spot your helix is pierced and extend it to the outside of your ear. Mark the paper at the point where it meets the outside of your ear and measure the distance from the edge to the marked point using your ruler.
Add 1 mm to the measurement if you want a hoop with a snug fit. For a loose fit, add 2mm to your measurement.
The forward helix is usually styled with tiny stones on flat back earrings or really tiny huggie earrings.
Make sure to measure your forward helix to make the jewelry work correctly for the style you're going after.
If you’re considering a helix piercing, this guide has everything you need to know.